A resource for the identification of sheer fabrics.
Before you click that button:
What is the SHEER LIBRARY?
The SHEER LIBRARY is the beginning of a larger project by the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation (RRF) to create resources for the care, preservation, and identification of textiles used by Robert Rauschenberg. This resource covers “sheer” fabrics, focusing specifically on the identification and care of the Hoarfrost series. The SHEER LIBRARY does not cover all of the fabrics used in the Hoarfrost series, as some are not sheer, and not all of the fabrics in this binder will be in the Hoarfrost series. It may also not cover some more specialty sheers, such as gazar. In short, this resource is not comprehensive. It was built to cater to the needs of the RRF and the Hoarfrost series as a pilot to catalyze future textile resources.
What is a sheer?
Sheer is an adjective used to describe a very thin or semi-transparent texture or appearance. Sheer is also used as a noun to describe specifically a type of fabric that is woven at a low density (or weight) such that it creates a semi-transparent and flimsy material.
What sheers are included?
Charmeuse, Cheesecloth, Chiffon, China Silk/Habotai, Crepe de chine, Gauze, Georgette, Lawn, Organdy, Organza, Silkscreen, Tarlatan, and Voile.
How to use the SHEER LIBRARY.
The SHEER LIBRARY exists as a virtual resource as well as a physical binder. The virtual library utilizes physical description and images of each fabric at 5x magnification to demonstrate the characteristic traits of each sheer. The physical library uses description and physical swatches for a similar purpose.
Everything exists on a google drive and there are four main documents: a “How to” guide, a sheer fabric identification flowchart, a fiber identification flowchart, and the SHEER LIBRARY google sheet. Google doc is very similar to word and google sheets is similar to excel.
Can I make my own SHEER LIBRARY?
Please note that the sheers used in the physical library were what I had access to. I have left the SHEER LIBRARY swatches document as an editable Word doc to allow you to customize yours.